To understand the key success factors that need to be borne when creating a hotel, one must look at the development of the hotel’s design from a range of different perspectives. Hotels as multidisciplinary projects. Due to their nature, and perhaps more so than in other fields of design, hotels represent a multidisciplinary coming together of many different professional figures and specialists, encompassing almost the entire spectrum of architectural engineering, as well as dedicated figures such as kitchen designers and acoustic and audio/video specialists, not to mention stylists, landscape designers, flower consultants, signage and uniform consultants, and so on. Amongst these, the interior designer stands out above the rest: sometimes seen as the least down-to-earth of all, this figure is nevertheless responsible for the hotel’s iconography, its image and the experience it can offer to customers, and therefore its success as a product and profitability as an investment. Naturally assuming the hotel can provide customers with the services that that particular class of establishment claims to offer.